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Differential Equations

Boyce & DiPrima, 9e, Chapter 2: First Order Differential Equations


Section 2.1: Linear Equations; Method of Integrating Factors
Assignment: 5(c), 14, 18, 31
Lecture (Part 1, 47:33)
Lecture (Part 2, 9:21)

12 (10:41)
14 (11:51)
15 (9:41)
18 (6:53)

Section 2.2: Separable Equations
4, 7, 9, 23
Lecture (16:28)
9 (10:41)
23 (11:51)
Section 2.3: Modeling with Linear Equations
4, 8, 13, 16, 21
Lecture (Part 1, 24:07)
Lecture (Part 2, 28:43)
4 (18:33)
16 (20:45)